Extract Minute of the Presbytery Meeting - 20 June 2023


The Church of Scotland

Presbytery of Edinburgh & West Lothian


Extract Minute

On the twentieth day of June 2023, the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian met and was constituted with prayer.

Inter alia:


Deployment Group

The Convener, Rev Dr Stewart Weaver, gave in the report.

It was moved, seconded and agreed:


Cramond and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse

  1. approve the Basis of Union for Cramond and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse.
  2. approve the Basis of Reviewable charge for Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse.
  3. grant permission to the congregation of Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse to call a minister on a Basis of Reviewable Charge.
  4. appoint the Rev Dr Martin Scott as Interim Moderator.
  5. agree that the number to serve on the Nominating Committee shall be thirteen.
  6. appoint James Aitken, Brian Falla and Karen McKay as the Vacancy Advisory Committee.
  7. instruct the Clerk to intimate these decisions to the Congregation.



The congregation of Edinburgh: The Old Kirk and Muirhouse (Church of Scotland) (SC006457) and the congregation of Cramond Kirk, Edinburgh (Church of Scotland) (SC003430) will be united from a date to be determined by Presbytery, and that on the following terms and conditions:


  1. Name: The name of the united congregation will be Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse (Church of Scotland) and Scottish Charity Number SC006457 will be retained.


  1. Transference of Property and Funds: The property and funds belonging to or held on behalf of each congregation will belong to or be held on behalf of the united congregation and any transference necessary will be duly effected.


  1. Places of Worship: Both churches at present used and occupied by Edinburgh: The Old Kirk and Muirhouse (Church of Scotland) and Edinburgh: Cramond Kirk (Church of Scotland) congregations will be the places of worship of the united congregation.  However, the building at The Old Kirk and Muirhouse, currently designated B in the Presbytery Mission Plan, will be subject to upgrade planning or release by 31st December 2025, as indicated in the Mission Plan, to provide the best solution for a physical mission presence in the area. In the interim, services shall be conducted each Sunday at times and church(es) to be decided by the Minister and Kirk Session, subject to the approval of Presbytery.
  2. Territorial Responsibility: The bounds to be served by the united charge will be the bounds of the parishes uniting or as the Presbytery will determine.


  1. Kirk Session: The elders of both Kirk Sessions will form, with the minister, the Kirk Session of the united congregation.


  1. Congregational Management: The temporal affairs of the united congregation will be administered by the Kirk Session in terms of the Unitary Constitution, the Delegation of Assembly being authorised to issue the appropriate Deed of Constitution to the said congregation.


  1. Minister: Both charges being vacant, the united charge will proceed to the election of a minister, inducted on a Basis of Reviewable Charge, in terms of Act VIII 2021, section 9 (1), and that on the following conditions:
  1. The Presbytery shall review the appointment five years from the date of induction of the minister.
  2. At the review, the Presbytery shall consider with the Kirk Session:
  • Whether the life of the congregation exhibits the five Marks of Mission, i.e.

To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;

To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;

To respond to human need by loving service;

To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation; and

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

  • The success or otherwise of reaching out to younger generations, the unchurched and local community groups;
  • The extent to which a leadership core has been established and developed to enable the resourcing of all aspects of church life;
  • The effectiveness or otherwise of building relationships within congregations, with other denominations and with the wider community to create new connections in Christ’s name; and
  • Such other matters as may be relevant by that time.


  1. Following such review, the Presbytery shall take a further decision on the future arrangements for ministry to the congregation, recognising that one of the options available to it is the termination of the tenure of the charge on giving the minister six months’ notice in writing.


  1. Manse: The manses of both Edinburgh: The Old Kirk and Muirhouse Parish, Church of Scotland congregation and Cramond Kirk, Church of Scotland congregation will be retained until the united congregation shall, with the agreement of Presbytery, decide which property shall form the manse of the united congregation. The remaining manse will be retained, sold, let or otherwise disposed of within three years of approval of the union, always subject to the titles on which it is held, and subject to the approval of the Presbytery, and, if necessary, of the General Trustees or the General Assembly. The free proceeds of any such sale or let will (a) if falling within the scope of Act VII 1995, be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund or (b) if not falling within the scope of the said Act, be held and applied for fabric purposes in connection with the properties of the congregation.


9.  Ministerial Support: The stipend of the Charge will be paid in accordance with the terms of the National Stipend Scheme.

  1. Power to Readjust: While the articles and terms will form the Basis of Union for the two  congregations now uniting, the united congregation will be free, like other congregations, to adjust arrangements under the authority of Presbytery as need may arise.


By decision of the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian, permission is granted to the congregation of Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse (Church of Scotland) (SC006457), to call a minister on a Basis of Reviewable Charge in terms of Act VIII 2021, section 9 (1), and that on the following conditions:


  1. The Presbytery shall review the appointment five years from the date of induction of the minister.
  2. At the review, the Presbytery shall consider with the Kirk Session:


  1. Whether the life of the congregation exhibits the five Marks of Mission, i.e.

i) To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;

ii) To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;

iii) To respond to human need by loving service;

iv) To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation; and

v) To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

  1. The success or otherwise of reaching out to younger generations, the unchurched and local community groups;
  2. The extent to which a leadership core has been established and developed to enable the resourcing of all aspects of church life;
  3. The effectiveness or otherwise of building relationships within congregations, with other denominations and with the wider community to create new connections in Christ’s name; and
  4. Such other matters as may be relevant by that time.


  1. Following such review, the Presbytery shall take a further decision on the future arrangements for ministry to the congregation and parish of Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse, recognising that one of the options available to it is the termination of the tenure of the charge on giving the minister six months’ notice in writing.


The minister shall be free to seek to demit or to be translated as in the ordinary case of any minister inducted to a charge, provided that, if this Reviewable Charge is his or her first charge, the Presbytery hereby agree that these conditions constitute exceptional circumstances in terms of Section 4 of Act VIII 2003, and will accordingly issue the necessary Certificate if he or she seeks to be translated within five years.


Extracted by me from the records of the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian the twenty first day of June 2023.

Dr Hazel Hastie

Presbytery Clerk



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