30 March - 5 April 2025
Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato
Organist : Simon Bertram
Hymns & Readings -
Hymn numbers : 336, 351, 253, 543
Readings – Psalm 32 & Matthew 22 : 34 – 40
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WELCOME TO WORSHIP at Cramond Kirk in church and on-line. We are glad you have been able to join us.
FURTHER INFORMATION on many of the following announcements is available from Louise in the Cramond Kirk Office or from Alan Fisher at Pennywell Kirk (fishatthewell@hotmail.com). The Cramond Kirk office is open from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Louise can also be contacted on 336 2036 or by e-mail at office@cramondkirk.org.uk.
CONTACTING REVEREND JULIA CATO If you need to contact Julia, her phone number is 07706 454148 and her email address is jcato@churchofscotland.org.uk.
THE KIRK OFFICE will be closed from 31 March – 10 April. The office phone and emails are being checked but if you need to speak to someone urgently, please call Reverend Julia Cato or David/Alison in the Kirk Hall (312 6911).
JUMBLE SALE QUIZ Many thanks to everyone who bought a copy of the Jumble Sale quiz and helped to raise £114. Sixteen entries were returned by the deadline and 3 had all 30 answers correct. Congratulations go to Johanne Thomson, the winner pulled from the hat. The answers to the quiz can be found HERE.
THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE The March issue of Grapevine is ready for collection by deliverers from the Kirk Hall from Sunday, 30 March.
LENT BIBLE STUDY Please join us for the last of our Lent Studies: “Hope in Hard Places” by Embrace the Middle East. We meet in person and online on Tuesday, 1 April at 7 pm in the Godly Play/Projection Room, Cramond Kirk Halls. To register or for enquiries, please email Rev Julia Cato at jcato@churchofscotland.org.uk or call 07706 454148.
EASTER CARD COMPETITION With Easter just around the corner, we hope you’ll take part in our all-age Easter card competition. Simply design a card no larger than A5 when folded and pop it in the box in the Session House or the Gathering Space of the Kirk Hall by Tuesday, 8 April along with a note of your name, contact details and age (if under 18). Prizes will be awarded for the best entries and the cards will be on display in the Kirk Hall over Easter.
THE VISITING TEAM EASTER SERVICE & AFTERNOON TEA is being held in Cramond Kirk Hall on Thursday, 3 April. Doors open from 1.30 pm and the service starts at 2 pm. The service and tea are open to all so do come along and join us.
A MOVIE AFTERNOON is being held in Pennywell Kirk Hall at 3.30 pm this afternoon with the film “Bucket List” starring Jack Nicolson and Morgan Freeman – a film about friendship and identity and ultimately about bucket lists. All are welcome.
THE CRAMOND SCOUTS PLANT SALE The Scouts would be glad to take your orders for plants again this year. Plants will be ready for collection at the Christian Aid Fair on Sunday, 11 May or can be delivered to your door if you live locally. Orders must be received by Sunday, 13 April and can be made HERE
THE CRAMOND WALKERS next walk is on Tuesday, 1 April with a walk from Dirleton to the coast at Yellowcraigs Beach and then along to North Berwick (8 km). The 10.24 am X5 bus from Waterloo Place arrives at Dirleton at 11.20 am. Further information is available HERE
FRESH START Many thanks for the recent donations which included a microwave, kettle, toaster, air fryer, coffee machine, rugs, lamps, towels, pillows and a Kenwood mixer. Donations are always welcome and can be left on the Fresh Start table in the Kirk Hall at any time or delivered to the Fresh Start warehouse at 22-24 Ferry Road Drive from Mon–Thurs, 9 – 4. Further information on Fresh Start can be found HERE
CHURCH OF SCOTLAND STAMP APPEAL 2025/26 Many thanks to all those who continue to donate their used stamps to the Church of Scotland stamp appeal. The money raised is currently supporting the work of the Al Ahli Hospital in northern Gaza, the only Christian hospital in the Gaza Strip and the only cancer hospital in Gaza. The hospital continues to serve the population in whatever way they can and under extremely difficult conditions. Donations of used stamps are always welcome and can be left in the box in the Session House.
‘THE PLACE TO BE’ COFFEE MORNING is held in Pennywell Kirk Hall every Monday at 10 am. All are welcome.
CRAMOND COFFEE & CHAT is on every Monday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Gathering Space of Cramond Kirk Hall and all are welcome.
FLOWERS John Leaver
at Cramond Kirk
Sunday, 6 April
(Reverend Julia A Cato / Congregation-led Service)
8.45 am : Morning Prayers with Communion
10.00 am : Morning Worship
Sunday, 13 April
(Minister : Reverend Alex Douglas)
8.45 am : Morning Prayers
10.00 am : Morning Worship
Good Friday, 18 April
7.30 pm : Service of Readings & Music
Easter Sunday, 20 April
8.30 am : Easter Dawn Service at Cramond Foreshore
10.00 am : Easter Day Service
at Pennywell Kirk
Sunday, 6 April
(Minister : Reverend Alex Douglas)
11.00 am : Communion Service
Sunday, 13 April
(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)
11.00 am : Morning Worship
Maundy Thursday, 17 April
6.00 pm : A Light Supper, Music & Informal Communion
Easter Sunday – 20 April
11.00 am : Easter Day Service
LIVE STREAMING Please note that the 10 am service at Cramond Kirk and the 11 am service at Pennywell Kirk are live streamed to the Kirk website every Sunday morning. The cameras will focus on the front of the Kirks – the pulpit, lectern and Communion Table. However some of those sitting at the front may also be in camera shot. For those of you watching from home, the link to Cramond Kirk's live stream can be found HERE and Pennywell Kirk's service is available HERE. The live services will also be available to watch later on Facebook and on the website.
TWITTER/X & FACEBOOK Cramond Kirk’s X feed is available at @cramondkirk1 and a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cramondkirk2 so please do keep in touch on either to check all the latest news & happenings. Both are also accessible from the Kirk website & if you do visit either site, please remember to “share” and “like” our page.