What's on?


14 - 20 July 2024

WELCOME TO WORSHIP at Edinburgh Northwest Kirk in church and on-line. We are glad you have been able to join us and hope you enjoy worshipping with us.

FURTHER INFORMATION on many of the following announcements is available from Louise in the Cramond Kirk Office or from Alan Fisher at Pennywell Kirk (fishatthewell@hotmail.com). The Cramond Kirk office is open from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Louise can also be contacted on 336 2036 or by e-mail at office@cramondkirk.org.uk. 

REVEREND JULIA CATO is on holiday until Friday, 19 July. During her absence Reverend Elspeth Harley and Helen Fisher are covering pastoral duties. If you need to contact Elspeth or Helen, Elspeth’s phone number is 07950 076528 and Helen’s is 07305 825697.

THE GATHERING SPACE CAFÉ is now closed for the summer holidays but Heather and Cathy look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday, 13 August and wish everyone a good summer break.

CRAMOND COFFEE & CHAT takes place every Monday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Gathering Space of Cramond Kirk Hall and all are welcome.

‘THE PLACE TO BE’ COFFEE MORNING is held in Pennywell Kirk Hall every Monday at 10 am. All are welcome.

THE FAIR TRADE STALL is open for business in Cramond Kirk Hall following the 10 am service on Sunday, 14 July. Please make the most of it and stock up as the Stall is “on holiday” in August.   

FAIR TRADE STALL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Fair Trade team would be delighted to welcome more volunteers onto the rota for their monthly stall. It's not an onerous task and it's a great chance to chat to people about buying fairly traded goods. If you are interested, please contact Louise in the Kirk Office.

THE MEN’S COFFEE & BACON ROLL MORNING is being held in the Bruntsfield Golf Club lounge on Thursday, 18 July from 10.30 am – 12 noon. Cost : £5. Please let Louise in the Kirk Office know if you’d like to attend.

AND THE VISITING TEAM COFFEE MORNING is being held in the Bruntsfield Golf Club lounge on Tuesday, 30 July from 10.30 am – 12 noon. Cost : £5. All are welcome and again, please let Louise know if you’d like to attend.

STIRRED BY THE STORM BOOK LAUNCH Dr Janette Clinkenbeard and Reverend Ian Gilmour invite you to join them at a reception to launch “Stirred by the Storm”, the book written by Ian and the late Reverend Bill Clinkenbeard. The launch is being held in The New Town Church (formerly St Andrew’s & St George’s West) at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 16 July. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Janette at BJClinksUK@aol.com

STIRRED BY THE STORM Copies of “Stirred by the Storm” are now available. If you would like a copy, the book costs £10 and is available from the Kirk Office.

LAURISTON AGROECOLOGY FARM MARKET STALL is now open from 4.30 pm – 6 pm every Thursday at the Community Entrance behind Toby Carvery. As well as fresh-picked veg from the Market Garden, they’ll also be offering wildflower plants, mushrooms, herbal remedies and fresh bread. Cash & card payments accepted.

THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE The deadline for the submission of articles for the next Grapevine magazine is Sunday, 28 July. Short articles are very welcome with photos sent separately if possible. Articles and photos should be sent to editor@cramondkirk.org.uk.

CRAMOND HERITAGE TRUST GUIDED WALKS Throughout the summer Cramond Heritage Trust is leading various different guided walks around Cramond Village and up the River Almond. The next 2 walks are on Saturday, 20 July from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and Tuesday, 30 July from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm, both taking you on a tour of Cramond Village and Kirkyard. If you’d like to book your place on either walk, please email admin@cramondheritage.org.uk by Wednesday, 17 July for the 20 July walk or Wednesday, 24 July for the 30 July walk. A donation of £3.50 would be appreciated.

THE BIG BIKE RIDE FOR MECA Following in Ian and Edith’s cycle tracks, Reverend Colin Douglas is taking part in the Big Bike Ride cycle around Liverpool in aid of MECA (the Middle East Children’s Alliance). This year MECA is focussing on both the immediate and long term needs of children and families in Gaza. If you’d like to support Colin, please go to justgiving.com and search on Colin Douglas.

GRANTON HUB LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Every Tuesday until 30 July between 1 pm & 4 pm the ARC, a local history archive at Madelvic House, Granton:hub (Granton Park Avenue EH5 1HS) is open for a chat with other local people and a chance to look at photographs and newspapers over a cup of tea and a biscuit. No need to book - just come along - and knock on the side window if the front door is shut! 

FRESH START Thank you for all the donations received this week, including two boxes of towels. Donations are always welcome and can be left on the Fresh Start table in the Kirk Hall at any time or delivered to the Fresh Start warehouse at 22-24 Ferry Road Drive. Further information on Fresh Start can be found HERE.

SOUL MARKS AUTUMN ON-LINE COURSES Soul Marks are offering two autumn on-line art and worship courses over the autumn, one on “Entertaining Angels” and looking at the place of angels in the Bible and the other on contemporary visual art and Christian worship. Further details on both courses can be found HERE 

FLOWERS      Mary Rose Stocks – for Norman



LIVE STREAMING Please note that the 10 am service at Cramond Kirk and the 11 am service at Pennywell Kirk are live streamed to the Kirk website every Sunday morning. The cameras will focus on the front of the Kirks – the pulpit, lectern and Communion Table. However some of those sitting at the front may also be in camera shot. For those of you watching from home, the link to Cramond Kirk's live stream can be found HERE and Pennywell Kirk's service is available HERE. The live services will also be available to watch later on Facebook and on the website.

TWITTER/X & FACEBOOK Cramond Kirk’s X feed is available at @cramondkirk1 and a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cramondkirk2 so please do keep in touch on either to check all the latest news & happenings. Both are also accessible from the Kirk website & if you do visit either site, please remember to “share” and “like” our page.

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Once a week you’ll find a “Daily Devotion” from one our Daily Devotions team. The videos are available HERE




in Cramond Kirk

Sunday, 21 July

(Minister: Reverend Dr Martin Scott)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship 

Sunday, 28 July

(Lay-led services)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship

in Pennywell Kirk

Sunday, 21 July

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

Sunday, 28 July

(Minister : Reverend Joanne Foster)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

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