Weekly Announcements


24 - 31 August 2024

FURTHER INFORMATION on many of the following announcements is available from Louise in the Cramond Kirk Office or from Alan Fisher at Pennywell Kirk (fishatthewell@hotmail.com). The Cramond Kirk office is open from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Louise can also be contacted on 336 2036 or by e-mail at office@cramondkirk.org.uk. The Kirk website also has lots of information and can be found at www.edinburghnorthwestkirk.org.uk.

CONTACTING REVEREND JULIA CATO If you need to contact Julia, her phone number is 07706 454148 and her email address is jcato@churchofscotland.org.uk.

THE KIRK OFFICE is closed for the week beginning Monday, 26 August. The office phone and emails are being checked but if you need to speak to someone urgently, please call Reverend Julia Cato or David/Alison in the Kirk Hall (312 6911). The office will also be closed on Friday, 6 September.

EDINBURGH NORTHWEST KIRK SESSION will be meeting in Cramond Kirk Hall at 7.30 pm on Monday, 2 September. Although only members of the Kirk Session and those invited to participate may speak at the meeting, all are welcome to attend.

JOINT COMMUNION SERVICE – SUNDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER Please note that next Sunday there will be just one joint service at 10.30 am in Pennywell Kirk. There will be no services at Cramond Kirk and no breakfast that morning.

FAIR TRADE CELEBRATION Following the 10 am service on Sunday, 8 September the Fair Trade team are holding a special Fair Trade event in Cramond Kirk Hall to celebrate Fair Trade’s 30th anniversary and to mark the start of Fair Trade Fortnight. They look forward to seeing you there.

MEET & GREET AT THE MANSE Julia and her family would like to invite you to a “meet & greet” afternoon at the Manse on Sunday, 22 September. To try and avoid everyone turning up at the same time, the afternoon will be divided into 3 hourly slots : 1 pm – 2 pm, 2 pm – 3 pm and 3 pm – 4 pm. Sign up sheets are available at the Kirk doors and in the Kirk Hall and we’d be grateful if you could put your name down for one of the slots. Julia and family look forward to welcoming you with tea, coffee and home baking.

A PASTORAL CARE INFORMATION DAY is being held in Cramond Kirk Hall from 10.30 am – 1.30 pm on Saturday, 21 September. Information, advice and help on care at home, care homes, assisted living and keeping yourself safe will be available as well as how to set up powers of attorney, wills and funeral planning.

‘THE PLACE TO BE’ COFFEE MORNING is held in Pennywell Kirk Hall every Monday at 10 am. All are welcome.

CRAMOND COFFEE & CHAT takes place every Monday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Gathering Space of Cramond Kirk Hall and all are welcome.

FRESH START Many thanks for all this week’s donations which are always welcome and can be left on the Fresh Start table in the Kirk Hall at any time or delivered to the Fresh Start warehouse at 22-24 Ferry Road Drive. Further information on Fresh Start can be found HERE 

A KIRK LOGO As a new church under the banner of Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond and Pennywell we are in need of a logo for use on notices, the Kirk website, correspondence and more - something bold and symbolic, capturing a sense of our place and purpose. So please look out your pens and paper or encourage your artistic friends to do so and please send us your ideas. Entries can be handed in on a Sunday morning at Pennywell or Cramond, or delivered/emailed to Cramond Kirk Office. The deadline for entries is 15 September.

IN SEARCH OF A CHIEF ELF! The Christmas Fair at Cramond Kirk will be held on Saturday, 7 December. However news from the North Pole is that Santa needs a chief elf to organise Santa’s Grotto this year. If you’d like to find out more about the role, please contact Edith at edith.butler5@outlook.com

GRAPEVINE DISTRIBUTORS If you have a little spare time and would be able to help with the distribution of the Grapevine magazine 4 times a year, we would be very grateful. A number of districts are available, including 3 rounds in Cammo Meadows and in Pennywell (180). If you can help with any of the above, please contact Lesley Cumming at editor@cramondkirk.org.uk or Louise in the Kirk Office.

DUDDINGSTON KIRK FLOWER FESTIVAL To celebrate 900 years of worship at Duddingston Kirk, a flower festival is being held in the Kirk and gardens on Sunday, 1 and Monday, 2 September, 11.30 am to 4 pm. Entry is free but donations are welcome.

THE CRAMOND WALKERS first walk of the new session is on Saturday, 7 September, a circular walk starting at Aberdour car park and walking to St Bridget’s Kirk and round by Hawkcraig Point and Silversands (9 km). Meet : Barnton Avenue West at 9.30 am or Aberdour station car park at 10 am.

VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT Bethany Christian Trust are seeking volunteers to help in ending homelessness in Scotland through Passing the Baton befrienders, Bridge to Freedom volunteers and the Anne Hope House Sleepover volunteers. Further information on all the volunteering opportunities can be found HERE 

FLOWERS      Eleanor Kemp



in Cramond Kirk

Sunday, 1 September

No services at Cramond Kirk

10.30 am : Joint Communion Service at Pennywell Kirk

 (Minister: Reverend Julia A Cato)


Sunday, 8 September

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

8.45 : Morning Prayers

10.00 am : Morning Worship

in Pennywell Kirk

Sunday, 1 September

(Minister : Reverend Julia A Cato)

10.30 am : Joint Communion Service


Sunday, 8 September

(Minister : Reverend William Watt)

11.00 am : Morning Worship

LIVE STREAMING Please note that the 10 am service at Cramond Kirk and the 11 am service at Pennywell Kirk are live streamed to the Kirk website every Sunday morning. The cameras will focus on the front of the Kirks – the pulpit, lectern and Communion Table. However some of those sitting at the front may also be in camera shot. For those of you watching from home, the link to Cramond Kirk's live stream can be found HERE and Pennywell Kirk's service is available HERE. The live services will also be available to watch later on Facebook and on the website.

TWITTER/X & FACEBOOK Cramond Kirk’s X feed is available at @cramondkirk1 and a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cramondkirk2 so please do keep in touch on either to check all the latest news & happenings. Both are also accessible from the Kirk website & if you do visit either site, please remember to “share” and “like” our page.

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Once a week you’ll find a “Daily Devotion” from one our Daily Devotions team. The videos are available HERE


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